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A number of dialects are spoken by the inhabitants of district Kinnaur which came under 'Kinnauri' or 'Kanauri'. According to classification of languages made by the Linguistic Survey of India, 'Ka

Lifestyle and Culture

Kinnaur people Lifestyle and Culture

Generally, Kinner houses have storerooms for keeping grain and dried fruits, and separate wooden grain-storage structures, called kathar. Pakpa, a piece of sheepskin or yakskin, is often placed on

Food Habits

Food Habits Kinnaur Culture

The staple food is wheat, ogla, phafra and barley which are local produce. Besides these kankani, cheena, maize, chollair and bathu are also taken. The principal pulses consumed are peas, black pea

Houses and Equipment

Houses and Equipment Kinnaur culture

The housing pattern of upper Kinnaur is different from that of lower Kinnaur.

In the lower Kinnaur the houses are two storeyed and built of stone and wood. These are either slated roofs or


Dress of peoples Culture and Beliefs The People kinnaur

The people of district dress mostly woolen clothes. There clothing is well suited to the climate and is artistic too in its own distinctive way.

Head dress: of men and women is a round wool

The People

Culture and Beliefs The People kinnaur

The present day the Kinnauras do not constitute a homogenous group and display significant territorial and ethnic diversity. For a better understanding of ethnic and cultural distribution, the Kinn